Addis Ababa University Law School Alumni Office was established in the year 2022 to coordinate activities that are useful to build and maintain meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships between the Law School and its alumni. The establishment of the office forms part of the School’s efforts to institutionalize alumni support mechanisms.

Some of the activities of the School`s Alumni Office include conducting alumni research, organizing alumni events and training, mobilizing financial, human, and material resources from alumni, and administering other alumni affairs.

Currently, the School`s alumni-alumnae exceed 6,000 and can be found in different countries of the world. Some of the School’s alumni have succeeded to serve in high-ranking government positions, i.e., as chief justice, minister of justice, human rights commissioner and chair national election board. Many alumni have served in international and local humanitarian organizations. Some alumni have also managed to establish legal firms of their own both in Ethiopia and foreign countries.

By maintaining relationships with its alumni, the School seeks to get alumni support that can be used to enhance the relevance and quality of education it offers, strengthen its leadership role in legal education, and expand its engagement in public discourse. These will in turn enhance the contributions of School to the prevalence of the rule of law and social justice in Ethiopia.

There are some alumni who are financially and otherwise supporting the activities of the School in addition to providing scholarships to current students of the School.

The School is taking various measures to strengthen its relationship with alumni and enhance alumni’s engagement in the operation of the School. The preparation of the Law School Alumni Support and Assistance Policy is among the measures taken. The policy document, among others, recognizes the importance of addressing relevant alumni concerns and enhancing the connectivity of the alumni through institutional arrangement and organization of regular alumni convention.